Frequently asked questions


Are you Licensed for wedding ceremonies?

No, but if you make arrangements to be legally married beforehand you can hold a blessing at the barn.

What is included in the hire price of the Barn?

The barn and courtyard, tables and chairs, luxury loos & free parking

What time do guests have to depart?

All guests need to have left the premises by 11:30pm

Are there local taxi firms available?

Taxis will need to be pre-booked. We advise booking for 11pm.

Can guests leave their car on site overnight?

Yes, at your own risk. Vehicles must be collected by midday the following day. No overnight sleeping is permitted.

Is there accommodation on site?

No, but there is a range of accommodation around the local area to suit all budgets.

Is there a corkage fee?


Can guests explore the farm and surrounding fields?

No, Home Farm is a working arable farm with working machinery, therefore for the safety of your guests they are only permitted within the vicinity of the barn, adjacent courtyard and designated parking area.